The Story of Mr. Sorry
This quirky animated delight revolves around a harried young man who keeps getting smaller and smaller until he is the size of a spider. He becomes an ear-cleaner, delving into people's ears to clear wax and peek at memories. In the ear of a legislator, he discovers a shocking memory about himself and the sister whom he misses dearly.
Cast and Crew
The Story of Mr. Sorry
This quirky animated delight revolves around a harried young man who keeps getting smaller and smaller until he is the size of a spider. He becomes an ear-cleaner, delving into people's ears to clear wax and peek at memories. In the ear of a legislator, he discovers a shocking memory about himself and the sister whom he misses dearly.
Orignal Title
제불찰씨 이야기
Orignal Language
1 hr 4 min
Animation, Drama, Comedy, Horror
Release Data
Produced By
Korean Academy of Film Arts, CJ Entertainment